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260 Market Street Suite B
New Albany, OH, 43054
United States


Since 2007, Hayley Gallery has represented the work of over 60 emerging & established local Ohio artists. Exhibits change monthly with mediums including paintings, mixed media, sculpture, wood, glass, metal, ceramic, fiber, jewelry, Judaica & accessories.

Artist Opening Reception for Natalya Romanovsky - One Earth One Love


Hayley Gallery brings a new and exciting exhibit to the gallery on a monthly basis featuring a wide range of artists and mediums.  Artist opening receptions are FREE to attend (ages 12 and up please). RSVPs although not required are always encouraged. Call the gallery at 614-855-4856 to reserve your spot at any of our upcoming receptions.

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Artist Opening Reception for Natalya Romanovsky - One Earth One Love

  • Hayley Gallery 260 Market Street New Albany, OH, 43054 United States (map)

Natalya Romanovsky grew up in Moldova, a country located between the Ukraine and Romania. As a child she knew she would be an artist, her talent was noticed by her teacher who told her mother, Give her brushes and paint and the child will know what to do. Romanovsky studied at Chisinau Art College, earning a degree in graphic design. She enjoyed art school and entered her field upon graduation working for a popular magazine. At the same time she contributed to a series of children's publications. However her heart was in painting, and despite a few shows around the city she became frustrated with the local art market. In 1993 Romanovsky immigrated to the US, joining her mother in Cleveland. Moving to America opened a whole new door for the curious and energetic artist. She found some initial support from a local gallery and began painting with a new enthusiasm.

To See All Of Natalya’s Work Click: HERE